Easter 2024
Want to give your business partners, clients or employees sweet personalised wishes? The Choco Text Chocolates are the perfect, unique idea for conveying them! Compose your own chocolate letter from 32 chocolate cubes. Choose the text and the type of chocolate, and decide whether you want to spice it up with spring motifs that we can incorporate into the design of your final product. We will prepare a personalised visualisation for you, and after your approval, our Chocolate Shop will make your vision into a fresh, aromatic chocolate in the form of a sweet gift. We are also there for you when it comes to the design of your paper envelope artwork - you can use the ideas we have gathered in our Graphics Library, including those designed especially for us by renowned illustration artists. If you wish to further personalize, our Graphics Department will prepare a design according to your wishes – an opportunity to display your logo, slogan or brand colours to your recipients. Unique, delicious and from the heart - that's Choco Text in a nutshell! This envelope hides 24 di erent chocolates - your sweet Easter wishes. The content is up to you - you can add colourful decorations with our safe and certified food colouring to the white chocolates of your choice. The Choco Text cubes are made from our Cocoa Hori- zons Foundation-certified chocolate in our Chocolate Shop, which guarantees their perfectly pure and ethical ingredient list, as well as guarantees they were sustaina- bly sourced. We may individually design the envelope packaging in order to personalise the product for each orde, accor- ding to your needs and specifications complimentarily. 51 cat. no.: 0593S/EASTER SET OF CHOCOLATES CHOCO TEXT 3 LINES IN ENVELOPE SEPARATE EASTER cat. no.: 0594S/EASTER SET OF CHOCOLATES CHOCO TEXT 4 LINES IN ENVELOPE SEPARATE EASTER
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